Theme for the Week - HOT
On August 10, 2003, the UK recorded it's first temperature over 100 degrees, never known to happen since they started keeping records in 1875. So this week we'll learn a little more about what's hot, warm, cold and why it's important to know the difference. Touching something that's hot can be dangerous for a toddler so let's talk about what's hot before something bad happens!
To get your little one started on the concept, let them put their hand over your morning coffee or touch the mug once it's cooled off a little. Run some warm water in the bath and let them touch it while you say "warm."
Letter of the Week: H - Hot, hand, hair, hold. Show them a picture of both a capital H and a lower case h. Draw an H on paper, or use their finger to draw it in the sandbox or dirt. Use bath tub or refrigerator letters to show them this letter as well.
Number of the Week: 10 - When you show your child anything say "10 fingers" and show them a picture of the number 10. Write the number 10 on paper. Show them 10 things at a time and count them - "one, two, three..." - so your child gets used to the pattern.
Songs of the Week: We Are Making Heat - This is a cute little song you'll find yourself singing later. The concepts are a little advanced for your kids now, but the refrain will catch their attention.
Story of the Week: Heat Wave by Eileen Spinelli
This book may be a little advanced but you can show your toddler the pictures and talk about the heat outside.
Snack of the Week: Warm Banana Rice Pudding - This idea uses up ripe bananas, something I'm always looking for ways to do and it's warm so you can talk about that concept while you enjoy it.
Spanish Words of the Week: warm - caliente, caluroso, hot - muy caliente, cold - frío
Do-It-Myself Activity: Say "hot" - teach your child the word "hot" this week. Show him/her things or pictures of things that are hot - fire, a candle, the lightbulb, the electrical outlet, the car after it's been in the sun.
Craft of the Week: Fire-Safety Activities - Here are a whole bunch of activities on the computer (so you'll want to sit there with your child) to talk about things tha are related to fire safety. It will be a bit advanced but it's a start.
Yoga Pose: Firefly Pose - This looks harder than it is and it can be modified to be easier. Talk about what a firefly is, if you don't have them around you to show your child.
Sign Language Sign of the Week: Hot, Warm, Cold, Fire - If your toddler is still learning how to talk, sign language can be a great way for them to communicate.
Most of all - give your little one a hug and say "I love you" as many times a day as you can think of! You can never give them enough love.