Theme for the Week - Rock & Roll
With such a busy week in Rock and Roll history, it seems like the perfect time to start introducing some rock and roll to your toddler, if you haven't already. Forty years ago this past weekend, Woodstock took place and in 1960, the Beatles made their first trip to the States. Just 7 years later, their hit "All You Need is Love" was #1 this week and in 1956, Elvis' hit "Don't be Cruel" was
number one. So, we have a lot to celebrate for music and for "rock" this week!
Letter of the Week: W - for Woodstock since we recently had "R" - point out things that start with "W" - wood, window, why, wall, wave . Show them a picture of both a capital W and a lower case w. Draw a W on paper, or use their finger to draw it in the sandbox or dirt. Use bath tub or refrigerator letters to show them this letter as well. We recently found some flashcards at Target in the $1 bin - you could start using those during meals a little at a time.
Number of the Week: 4 - For the 40th Anniversary - if you want to show your child 40 that's ok too. When you show your child anything say "4 walls" (or whatever you are counting). Count to 4. Write the number 4 on paper. Show them 4 things at a time and count them - "one" "two" "three" etc - so your child gets used to the pattern.
Songs of the Week: It's hard to choose what great song to use this week. You could definitely use any of the Beatle's songs or Elvis's songs. Also we recently found this great kid musician DaddyAGoGo - very cute original kid songs as well as remakes of some old favorites. Check it out!
Story of the Week: Arthur - It's Only Rock and Roll - We love Arthur books and Marc Brown. This is a story book so you might not make it all the way through with your toddler but you can show him/her the pictures and highlight the story instead of reading every word. If you can't find this book in the library this week, you can click on the title and buy it on Amazon.
Snack of the Week: In honor of Elvis, who supposedly used to like fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches, you can try peanut butter and bananas on crackers or a piece of bread for a snack. If your toddler has a peanut allergy, you can substitute soy butter instead.
Do-It-Myself Activity: Sweep Up - Put on some awesome rock and roll music and give your little one a broom to sweep the floor. If you have two brooms, you can sweep together. You might not get the floor super clean but you'll have fun doing it and get a little exercise!
Spanish Words of the Week: la musica = music, la peidra = rock (like from the ground) , el ritmo = the beat (of the music)
Activity of the Week: What Floats? - This is an activity they do at Montessori schools. Get a bucket, bowl or tub of water and gather several objects of various size and density - like a rock, a plastic toy, a paper clip, etc. First show them one that sinks and one that floats by putting the object in the water. Next have them tell you if they think the object will sink or float. The more objects the better. You might want to try this one outside or at the sink because it can get a little messy!
Yoga Pose: Lotus - We chose this one because it's easy and it involves a little "rocking". My older kids use to sit in this pose and say "om" when I wanted them to calm down. Click on the words for a link to a picture of this pose. My kids always liked the Yoga Kids series if you'd like more ideas for doing yoga with your toddler. Check it out here:
Sign Language Sign of the Week: Music and Guitar - Both of these signs are pretty intuitive If your toddler is still learning how to talk, sign language can be a great way for them to communicate.
Like we say every week - don't forget to give your toddler a hug and say "I love you" as many times a day as you can think of! You can never give them enough love. Talk to them, even though they may not talk back and read to them everyday - even if it's the cereal box at breakfast. Enjoy!