Theme for the Week - Back to School
While your toddler may or may not be going to preschool any time soon, he or she probably sees any of your other children getting ready for the new school year or even neighbors or other family members. So, let's take some time this week and help them
learn a little more about going to school.
Letter of the Week: E - for Education, egg, ear, elementary. Show them a picture of both a capital E and a lower case e. Draw an E on paper, or use their finger to draw it in the sandbox or dirt. Use bath tub or refrigerator letters to show them this letter as well.
Number of the Week: 1 - For 1st day of school. When you show your child anything say "1 egg" and show them a picture of the number 1. Write the number 1 on paper. Show them 1 thing at a time and count them - "one" - so your child gets used to the pattern.
Songs of the Week: School Songs - This link has a whole bunch of fun little school-related songs to familiar tunes. Your toddler won't necessarily know what you are singing about but he or she will get familiar with the tunes.
Story of the Week: Let's Get Ready For Kindergarten
This book is packed with fun things to work on with your toddler to get them ready to go to school. It has all kinds of pictures of kids doing activities at kindergarten. This book would be especially helpful if you have an older sibling who's going to school for the first time.
Snack of the Week: Snacks for Toddlers - Yes, this is sponsored by Pampers but there are some really good ideas here and they give you the ages that the snacks are appropriate for.
Spanish Words of the Week: school - la escuela, teacher - la maestra, el maestro, pencil - el lápiz
Do-It-Myself Activity: Draw - If you haven't yet given your toddler the opportunity to color or draw yet, take some time this week and give him or her a piece of paper and some crayons or colored pencils (I recommend crayons over markers because the markers will be very messy...). You can help them learn how to hold the crayon correctly by coloring yourself while they work.
Craft of the Week: O-Shaped Cereal Necklaces - My babysitter brought this activity for my toddler the other day - Take a piece of yarn, put some tape around one end and tie a knot in the other end. Help your toddler string the o-shaped cereal (We used Honey Nut Cheerios) on the yarn and then count the rings as you go. Any doubles or broken ones you can eat! You can choose to put it around his or her neck when you're finished or just let them snack.
Yoga Pose: Itsy Bitsy Yoga - Here is a really cute looking book that is specifically for toddlers and preschoolers. The poses have fun names and the program is just 8 minutes long - hard to get bored in that time frame.
Sign Language Sign of the Week: Teacher, School, Lunch - If your toddler is still learning how to talk, sign language can be a great way for them to communicate.
Most of all - give your little one a hug and say "I love you" as many times a day as you can think of! You can never give them enough love.