You don't have to be a good artist to think of creative ways to keep your kids engaged in creative way. Here are 5 ideas that came from our recent podcast episode with Cheri Sturman who is a Director a Crayola Education.

1) Take a nature walk, even just down your block, and notice the shapes, colors and sounds.
2) Use travel time in new ways - when you're stuck in traffic or on a road trip, make up a funny story or add new lyrics to a familiar song.
3) If you have a project you need to work on, give the kids some blankets and cardboard boxes and tell them to build a fort or an obstacle course and then once you finish your project, go play in the fort or go through the course with your kids.
4) Give the kids fabric scraps and pillow cases and let them make costumes and make up a play
5) Break down a cardboard box or two and let them use them to make new things - like a bridge across a puddle or a ramp for their toy cars.
Just enjoy the moments and let your kids think freely - you'll be glad you did and you'll be amazed at what you learn!
Watch the entire episode here on YouTube. Sign up NOW for Crayola Creativity Week starting Monday January 27, 2025 through February 2nd. The PRIZES are amazing! Use hashtag #crayolacreativityweek to be entered to win. Materials will be available for a month after the events end.
Find out more at and on their YouTube Channel here.
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